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Zac confronts Karen and Preston wants answers from Danni. Here’s our Tyler Perry’s Sistas Season 5 Episode 17 recap.

Zac snaps. Like snaps, snaps.

The episode opens with Zatima still arguing about the photo of Zac and Karen kissing. Zac suspects Karen of setting him up by being nice to him and calling him back for a hug when he was leaving the salon. This is the most heated Zac and Fatima have ever gotten. She grips his arm tight and refuses to let his arm go despite him repeatedly asking her to let him go.

Maurice is at his end

Bayo finally arrives at Sabrina’s house. He says he missed her and didn’t know what happened to her or if he did something wrong. She finally works up the strength to ask Bayo for the money for Maurice’s bail. Unfortunately, Bayo isn’t biting. He says he doesn’t know Maurice enough and is worried he could run. He’s also concerned that he dated someone like Que. Bayo is suspect as he clearly has shadiness going on.

As he walks out, Calvin enters. Maurice calls and he’s at his wit’s end. He can’t stay in jail much longer.

Robin and Andi getting back together?

Robin walks in to talk to Andi and has the not so random idea of asking her out to dinner, again. Andi says no again wanting to keep business and pleasure separate. After he reminds her that he did her two big favours, she finally says yes.

The proposal

Danni comes home to find Preston didn’t leave after all and even cooked her dinner. He sits her down to talk more about why she won’t marry him. He’s starting to come on a bit strong. He’s getting into Aaron levels of clinginess and desperation.

When he asks her for an honest answer she replies, “We don’t have enough in common”, but she also admits. “I really, really like you Preston.”

She even admits she loves him too, but not the way he loves her. She likes her space, wants to be her true self, and is worried about being his possession. She then makes her answer final“My answer is no.”

He tells her that he’s going home in the morning which she doesn’t seem to be happy about. She confused.

Danni then calls Andi to tell her about Preston’s proposal and her temptation to call someone to get laid. We know it’s only a matter of time before her and Que end up rolling in the sheets.

Later, Danni goes over to Sabrina’s house and she’s high as a kite. Sabrina joins her for a smoke as they’re both under a lot of stress.

Zac snaps, again

Zac goes to the salon and confronts Pam about being photographed kissing Karen. He calls Karen from the salon, finds out where she is, and heads over the Steamplant restaurant. Aaron is worried about Zac coming.

Andy comes over to say hello to Karen and Aaron. Karen asks Andi if she knows why Zac is coming to the restaurant angry. Andi says no, but she’s just having a momentary mind lapse.

After getting antsy at home while talking to Angela, Fatima decides to head down to the Steamplant too. This can’t be good.

Zac enters the restaurant and asks Karen if she had someone take a picture of them at the salon. This is the maddest we’ve ever seen him.

Aaron tries to calm him down and get Karen out of there. When Zac grabs her, Aaron gets up and a fight breaks out.

Tweets of the night

Tyler Perry’s Sistas airs Wednesdays at 9pm EST on BET.

Season 5 Episode 16 recap:



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