SHIFTER Magazine


Credit: BET

Danni and Preston move on and Zatima get some bad news. Here’s our recap of Tyler Perry’s Sistas Season 6 Episode 21.

Hayden learns the truth, kinda

Continuing from last episode, Hayden is upset at Gary for vetting Tamara behind his back after he said he wanted to do it himself. He then accuses Gary of enjoying ruining his relationship with Tamara because of what happened with him and Andi. Not seeing any lies there.

Hayden goes inside the house to press Tamara who denies knowing Fatima. Despite what happened outside, he believes Gary and tries to get her to sign the annulment papers, but she refuses. Soon all the cards are on the table and she threatens to take half of what he has as his wife.

Sabrina back at work?

Sabrina meets with her former boss at the bank who invites her back to work, but at the downtown location, and as an assistant manager which is a bit of a demotion. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Maurice because of antics at work and his relationship with Que. In other words, Maurice is too extra and it’s caught up with him.

Sabrina meets up with Maurice to tell him the news about him not being rehired by the bank. Maurice is hurt that their former boss didn’t have the decency to call him. Instead of taking it lying down and finding a new job. Maurice decides to turn up the extra-ness and sue them. Looks like he’s going back to court.

Zac fights for custody

Zac is at the law office waiting for his lawyer to bring back news about the custody case. When he does arrive, the news isn’t good because Zatima don’t have any proof of the abuse.

Just when things couldn’t get worse, Hayden comes in looking for Fatima, accusing her of setting up everything with Tamara. Things finally calm down once the boss lady Andi enters the scene. Once all the commotion has died down, Jordan shows up at the office to take Andi out to lunch.

At lunch, Jordan shares that his sister, Penelope, wants more information dates and factsabout Andi’s time Gary. She isn’t ready to talk about it, but after lunch Penelope still shows up at the law office wanting to talk. Their brief conversation is cut short when Gary pulls at the office wondering what’s going on.

Karen’s new salon

Karen and Brian the contractor arrive at her potential new space for the salon. He’s trying to sell her on buying the space instead of renting, but she seems to be having trouble with the idea of ownership.

Although she hasn’t been kidnapped yet as some fans suspected would happen, there’s still something a little fishy about this man, especially after he said he wants to introduce Karen to his mother.

Danni and Preston move on

Danni and Tony continue their flirting ways at the airport. With Preston out of the picture, Tony and her decide to go on their first official date.

Sabrina calls and reveals she and Ridge are going on their first date as well. Mid conversation, Danni is shocked when she receives a photo message about Preston being married. She thought Preston would come back like a simp, but she was wrong. She fumbled a great man again and wasn’t ready for it.

Next week’s episode is the finale so we’re guaranteed to get some big surprises and secret revealed so make sure to tune in.

Tyler Perry’s Sistas airs Wednesdays at 9pm EST on BET. For more Black film and TV content visit

Tweets of the nights

Kevin Bourne is SHIFTER’s Toronto-based editor and Senior Entertainment Reporter focusing on Black music and film & TV. He was named one of 310 international voters for the 81st Golden Globe Awards by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and a Tomatometer-Approved Critic by Rotten Tomatoes.




Season 6 Episode 20 recap:



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