SHIFTER Magazine


SHIFTER offers companies and brands opportunities to reach the coveted 18-35 year-old demographic. Our audience is a “young” and diverse one, made up of Black people and others who are consumers of Black culture. In 2022, Black culture is popular culture, including music, film, television, and fashion.


If you’re an artist, company, or brand with a product or message you’re looking to promote to the 18-35 year old demographic, SHIFTER can write an original piece that blurs the lines between advertising and editorial.

Here are examples of some advertorials we’ve ran for our clients.

Sponsored articles/features

Companies and brands can also sponsor high traffic articles and special features on our platform in order to expose their brand to our audience.

Canadian tech company You.i TV (now Warner Media), designer of the user interface and backend of the popular streaming service Twitch, sponsored SHIFTER’s “Top 20 Canadian DJs You Need To Know” list to promote that they were the driving force behind Twitch to a community that relies heavily on the service – DJs.

We can also partner with your company or organization on an original content series. For example, SHIFTER is working with the National Arts Centre on a digital content series called Innovators & Icons to celebrate women of colour in the performing arts while exposing the centre to BIPOC communities.

Instagram Posts, Reels and Stories

Instagram posts, reels and stories can also be incorporated into a campaign:


To book a consultation or request our rate card fill out the form below.



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