SHIFTER Magazine


Toronto artist VibeByMelo, who SHIFTER once crowned one of the best live performer we had ever seen, is back with a new album The Caves Have Wifi (T.C.H.W.). The seven song collaboration with Ottawa-based producer Travis Thickle is also one of the most cohesive and quality projects to come out of Canada this year.

With all the anxiety surrounding Covid-19, the pair notes the album is their way of “breathing life and colour back into the world during this lackadaisical quarantine”.

A long time in the making, work on the project began in 2018. The lead single “Busy” was their way of letting the world know they were ready to take their place on the scene. With stellar lyrics and flows and equally stellar production, it is easy to see VibeByMelo and Travis Thickle are one of the better artist-producer duos we have heard in a long time. Think Stockton and Malone or D-Wade and Lebron. Travis Thickle isn’t one of the first names you think of when you think about Ottawa area producers, but he should be. With this project, he could build a case for being the most slept on producer in Ottawa.

Vibebymelo & Travis Thickle Release New Project "The Caves Have ...
Cover art for “The Caves Have Wifi”

Aside from Thickle, engineer Alex Thompson also put in time, mastering their entire project.

“I loved getting to push and pull the energy throughout the entire album,” said of working with Thicke and Thompson.

The Caves Have Wifi offers us everything from classic soul samples and bars on “Forgive Me” to banging beats on “Busy”. Whether you are an older hip-hop fan who loves classic hip-hop or a new generation hip-hop fan that wants music that slaps, this project has something for you.

The Caves Have Wifi (T.C.H.W.) is available on all streaming platforms.

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